Cattie's World v0.111.1


Hello! Welcome to my little website! I have been spending the last couple of weeks working on this game, and I've got to say, it is turning out pretty well. Sure, it still has a ton of annoying bugs, and the editor might still be very limited, but I think we're up to a good start. As of writing, we are at version v0.98 alpha.

Now, I am not expecting my game to be the next big thing. This is more like a passion project for me, and, maybe I should be focusing more on school, but this is way more fun. I can be creative, and make my own stuff whereas in school you just need to listen to some boring explanation from your teacher about mitosis (i still don't know how that works.) Also, I really regret choosing for Biology and Chemistry. I though, yay! Interesting! And from Chemistry I expected to be doing actual physical experiments. But we never did that and only really learned theory with a teacher that has the worst humour ever. Now, I think I am getting sidetracked here, so back to the actual subject. Here are a couple of bugs that annoy be a ton and for some weird reason, seem impossible to fix, since my code looks totally fine:
- When clicking a menu button, it has a random chance, (around 50%) to ignore your press.
- When clicking on a level in the level browser, it often fails to load, which keeps making me furious every time it happens lol

Now, hosting this is pretty simple. I made a backend that serves the stages and allows you to upload stages. The device in question, is a cheap OPPO A53 that works terrible for normal day use but works perfectly for this type of shenanigans. The backend consists of three arrays, one is for the level data, one is for the IDs of the levels, this is used to determine what level needs to be loaded and eliminates loading the wrong level if duplicate names are present. And there's a list that keeps track of the view count of every stage. The extension I am using is called CloudLink, which really made my life easier. If I were to use the built in scratch variables, that would be absolute hell. Pretty simple. Took the entire weekend to build. Not important.

I don't think anyone is ever gonna read this, except for me maybe, in ten years. Message to self in future: if you want to host it again, the server files are on your Google Drive. Now, I think this is getting a little long. I will try to host the server as long as possible, or until I stop developing it and nobody plays it. But at the time of writing, nobody has played this yet, besides some people I know. My tactic of getting this game a little bit of attention would be literally going door to door and putting little ads for my game in people's mailbox. I think that is not illegal. And secondly, I will create a video on my main YouTube channel, Greedy Allay, that will be very detailed in the development of the game and do normal playthroughs on my other channel, Masterryflex. I will also post huge updates on Minestreem. wow i cant believe anyone has read this. The chance is so smoll because there will not be a huge amount of people on this website, and only a fraction will read this and a fraction of that will read it all the way through. Also, below are some links to older versions and lighter ones in case you are on a really low end device. Keep in mind that in some versions the gore cannot be turned off.

The entire project is open-source and the .pmp files can be found on my github here. I would like you ask you to not run or host any of the server software, unless you use a different server than I did. Opening these project files can be done here: Penguinmod


Lightweigh Versions:

CattiesWorldV0.40 (no gore, no skins)
for some reason i feel like the physics in this version feel nicer
CattiesWorldV0.54 (no gore, only cat skin)
runs on LITERALLY everything, except for a €40 mp4 player with android (it does run but you can't play)
CattiesWorldV0.76 (early on gore, only cat skin)
more modern, level browser does not work in this version anymore for some reason, and some older gore. Still looks good, though, only no decals sadly :(

Here some older versions:

Newest Versions

Version V0.110.3
Version V0.110
Version V0.109.3
Version V0.109.2
Version V0.107.2
Version V0.106.1
Version V0.106

Special Thanks and Resources

Code and Art

Hugo Bouquet, also known as Greedy Allay




Kubbi (intro music)
Jules Gaia (in-game music)
AdhesiveWombat (skin selection menu)

Web Hosting

Github (literally free web hosting lol)

©2025 Greedy Allay